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Apr 29

Diabetes Impacts Everyone

Diabetes is a growing global problem that is currently on the rise in the U.S. In 2022, diagnosed cases topped 38.4 million Americans. Yes, 11.6% of the country's population has diabetes!  Diabetes-related spending in the U.S. exceeds $410 billion annually. In 2022, $306.6 billion was spent on direct medical costs with an additional 106.3 billion for indirect attributable costs. The cost of care for diagnosed diabetes accounts for 1 in 4 health care dollars in the U.S. When you also consider that more than 88 million Americans are pre-diabetic in addition to the 38.4 million diagnosed, and more than 80% of the pre-diabetic adults are unaware they are that close to developing diabetes, it is clear this disease is poised to negatively impact our country, communities, and families. 

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic condition that results from aberrant B-cell function coupled with progressive insulin resistance. The majority of Type 2 diabetic patients develop diabetic neuropathy, which can lead to devastating complications (i.e., infection, ulceration, osteomyelitis, & amputation). The proinflammatory state of diabetes, along with prolonged hyperglycemia, damages peripheral nerves (most common in the lower extremities). Additionally, compromised wound healing exacerbates the risk when skin breakdown occurs in the diabetic population. Traditional treatment approach focuses primarily on lifestyle change and pharmacological management of symptoms without addressing the root cause of diabetes -- metabolic failure. 

Innovative Diabetic Center approaches treatment at a patient level, developing a unique treatment plan tailored to the individual. We leverage the best of current and traditional technology, treatment modalities, and approaches, creating a novel protocol to treat diabetic patients, including those with severe neuropathy symptoms. If you or a loved one suffers from this disease, contact us for more information. If you are ready to tackle this condition head-on, increase energy, lower inflammation and pain, lower HbA1c levels, and get better sleep (learn more here), then schedule a consultation now.


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